Kaayena Vaacaa

Buddhy[i]-Aatmanaa Vaa
Prakrteh Svabhaavaat

Karomi Yad-Yat-Sakalam

Naaraayannayeti Samarpayaami

Signification: Quoi que je fasse avec mon Corps, ma Parole, mon Esprit ou mes Organes Sensoriels, Quoi que je fasse en utilisant mon Intellect, mes Sentiments, ou mon Cœur ou inconsciemment par les tendances naturelles de mon Esprit, quoi que je fasse, je fais tout pour les autres, je les Abandonne tous aux Pieds de Lotus de Sri Narayana.
Mute Mantra
Show Room

Retraite: retreat from 1 to 12 August 2022

How to put in words the transformation I went through on this retreat? Even with so much self-knowledge and practice of the presence state for more than four years, I realized in this retreat all the restlessness in my mind, my identifications with the unreal.
There was a lot of cleaning work, both emotionally and in dreams. I gained a lot of strength and discipline, as well as greater maturity.
I was able to remove identification with thoughts and free myself from old beliefs. And I accessed a deep silence that helped me to know myself better and surrender to the Eternal Now. Gratitude.

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