Kaayena Vaacaa

Buddhy[i]-Aatmanaa Vaa
Prakrteh Svabhaavaat

Karomi Yad-Yat-Sakalam

Naaraayannayeti Samarpayaami

Signification: Quoi que je fasse avec mon Corps, ma Parole, mon Esprit ou mes Organes Sensoriels, Quoi que je fasse en utilisant mon Intellect, mes Sentiments, ou mon Cœur ou inconsciemment par les tendances naturelles de mon Esprit, quoi que je fasse, je fais tout pour les autres, je les Abandonne tous aux Pieds de Lotus de Sri Narayana.
Mute Mantra
Show Room

Retraite: retreat from october 31 to november 11, 2022


I feel gratitude and joy to express for the beautiful opportunity to participate in this retreat.

To all the members of the Ashram, thank you for your loving, selfless and unselfish service. I found silence, purity, love and service in its most beautiful expression.

Thanks to the participants who with their silent attitude also made this retreat bear its best fruits.

And of course, thanks also to the instructor.

I found in the retreat a serious, structured and very complete proposal to deepen my inner work.

In short, thanks to the unique life that generated the conditions to meet at this time and in this place.

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