Kaayena Vaacaa

Buddhy[i]-Aatmanaa Vaa
Prakrteh Svabhaavaat

Karomi Yad-Yat-Sakalam

Naaraayannayeti Samarpayaami

Signification: Quoi que je fasse avec mon Corps, ma Parole, mon Esprit ou mes Organes Sensoriels, Quoi que je fasse en utilisant mon Intellect, mes Sentiments, ou mon Cœur ou inconsciemment par les tendances naturelles de mon Esprit, quoi que je fasse, je fais tout pour les autres, je les Abandonne tous aux Pieds de Lotus de Sri Narayana.
Mute Mantra
Show Room

Retraite: retreat from october 31 to november 11, 2022


I arrived without many expectations about what I would find, only many about what I was looking for. The absence of speech, for me, was not difficult, since I have always been a quiet person. The problem was when the constant silence of speech met with the constant chatter of the mind, which screamed and threw stones at the lining, like a parakeet, along with this, maintaining body awareness was no easy task.

The mind, which I thought before was a companion for adventures, proved to be extremely controlling, I felt it wanting to usurp my life, it was desperate, but at least I had the opportunity to look at it and know that I am not it.

Did I find what I was looking for? Of course not! One walks the path, and I am just at the beginning of mine.

Being here, in the City of Angels Ashram, brought me a North, a guideline full of truth and hope about which path I came to coexist. The work is luminous, intense, very committed and is an act of giving.

I am very grateful for the opportunity of this retreat in this sacred place, I felt very safe and welcomed.

God bless!


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