Kaayena Vaacaa

Buddhy[i]-Aatmanaa Vaa
Prakrteh Svabhaavaat

Karomi Yad-Yat-Sakalam

Naaraayannayeti Samarpayaami

Significado: O que quer que eu faça com meu corpo, fala, mente ou órgãos dos sentidos, o que quer que eu faça usando meu intelecto, sentimentos do coração ou inconscientemente através das tendências naturais de minha mente, o que quer que eu faça, eu faço tudo pelos outros, eu entrego tudo aos pés de lótus de Sri Narayana
Mute Mantra
Show Room

Retiro: retreat from 1 to 12 August 2022

Gratitude to everyone who seriously and committed led this Meditation and Silence retreat. Because without this essential factor of surrender, this beautiful work that they were able to offer us would not be possible.
The speeches were very important. My chips dropped...many insights appeared...many flashes came...
New corporal manifestation has been doing and realizing that is the way!
I could have woken up earlier.
But everything has its timeeee.
In this path of the Seeker of True there is no time and place. Time is now and we do it.
Gratitude to the room I stayed in that made it possible to sleep with the stars shining through the open curtains.
Gratitude to the singing of the birds that served as inspiration...
Gratitude to the sound of water falling somewhere nearby, a mine or a waterfall that allowed us to have fresh water.
Gratitude to this beautiful nature!
To the green all around that attended me when in contact.
Gratitude to all the warm food served on cold days and from the fresh garden.
Gratitude to this blessed place that in the middle of the mountains gives us great strength to continue.
Gratitude to the friends who participated.
Much light to all.

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