Kaayena Vaacaa

Buddhy[i]-Aatmanaa Vaa
Prakrteh Svabhaavaat

Karomi Yad-Yat-Sakalam

Naaraayannayeti Samarpayaami

Significado: O que quer que eu faça com meu corpo, fala, mente ou órgãos dos sentidos, o que quer que eu faça usando meu intelecto, sentimentos do coração ou inconscientemente através das tendências naturais de minha mente, o que quer que eu faça, eu faço tudo pelos outros, eu entrego tudo aos pés de lótus de Sri Narayana
Mute Mantra
Show Room

Retiro: October 01 to 12, 2023

The experience at the Ashram was transformative. Internally, I embraced the process with a certain resistance, but as I allowed myself to enter into the energy of the retreat, we quickly noticed the unlocking of personal issues that we already knew and so many new ones that I was introduced to, opening up space for my silence. The experience can be hard, but it opens up space for a lot of healing and a process that continues within us. The welcome from the residents and the Ashram as a whole was extremely special, everything very welcoming and the meals very tasty.

Gratitude <3

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